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The UK Edition of the GAP Book The US Edition of the GAP Book The German Edition of the GAP Book

The Great Ape Project is an idea, a book, and an organization.

  • The idea is radical but simple: to include the nonhuman great apes within the community of equals by granting them the basic moral and legal protection that only human beings currently enjoy.
  • The book, which is the collective work of a group of scientists and scholars, is a multifaceted argument against the unthinking denial of fundamental rights, or moral protections, to beings who are not members of our own species, but who quite evidently possess many of the characteristics that we consider morally important.
  • The organization is a newly established international group founded to work for the removal of the nonhuman great apes from the category of property, and for their immediate inclusion within the category of persons.
  • Our long-term goal is a United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Great Apes.

We encourage you to explore this site, and the information contained herein:

  • GAP Global - Information on GAP groups around the world, plus international versions of GAP documents.
  • GAP Action - Current topics and reports
  • GAP & You - How you can show your support for GAP
  • GAP Books - The international editions of "The Great Ape Project: Equality Beyond Humanity", and the GAP Book List.
  • GAP Links - Find other primate-related sites
  • GAP People - Human and non-human: they're all great apes!
  • GAP Stats - The latest Great Ape facts and figures
  • GAP Files - Press releases, articles and other materials

For an introduction to GAP, read the "About GAP" page. Alternatively, full information about the Great Ape Project can be found in the GAP-FAQ.

We also appreciate your comments and suggestions, which can be e-mailed to us at, or posted to one of the addresses listed on the GAP GLOBAL page.

The Great Ape Project international would like to express their gratitude to Envirolink for hosting the GAP site, and to the Animal Rights Resource Site for listing us on their site.